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Marc Jacobs


The Point of Purchase Display Project allows us to better understand the effectiveness and process of advertisement/marketing displays in various retail settings. It also drives us to think of creative ways to brand a certain product, create technical flats, digital renderings and a scaled model of an actual brand.

Technical Flats -

The technical flats above show all the POP display angles measurements are provided to the sides. The model shown in the slides above is built to half scale, as a reference to how the actual display will be built.

Finishes -

These finishes are ones you will find in different retail settings. Based off of the Decadence collection, Divine Decadence (top left), Decadence Eau So Decadent (bottom left), Decadence (top right), Decadence Rouge Noir (bottom right) will be seen as interchangeable types of vinyl for this POP display at your local retailers.

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